"For words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul within" (Tennyson).

Saturday, May 19, 2012

No More College Debt

Story about a young man named Joe Mihalic who graduated from Harvard Business School with $90,000 debt and how he paid it off seven months after graduating. This guy obviously has a lot of tenacity and self-discipline. Some of it seems drastic, maybe unwise (e.g. not paying into retirement). But when you think of all the money he saved over the lifetime of the loan, it makes sense. And now, of course, he can get right back into the process of saving for retirement. Very smart.

Here's a video he produced to tell his story.
Here's a write-up in Yahoo! Finance, by Josh Mitchell. 

Here's Mihalic's now-famous blog about how he did it.  

Update: Of course he wrote a book