"For words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul within" (Tennyson).

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Not So Fast, Your Majesty?

The Chicago Tribune editorial board wrote the following in yesterday's paper: 
But in this country we don't change bad laws by presidential fiat. We change them by having Congress rewrite them or by starting from scratch. Obama doesn't want to reopen this law for fear that Republicans and some Democrats will substantially rewrite it. But that's what has to happen.
Nice to hear some objectivity from a mainstream paper. True, the Tribune's editorial philosophy leans conservative, but they did endorse Obama for president in 2008 and again 2012. So kudos to them for somehow managing to remain detached ideologically in both their endorsements and their analysis of policies.

Wish my paper (Los Angeles Times) would take a page from their playbook; its board members continue to insist, for example, that the Affordable Care Act is fine, just give it a few months, a year, max. Indeed, their guy can do no wrong. Here's what they wrote on the same day regarding Obama's "decree" that consumers should be allowed to keep their current insurance policies for another year: 
The move is a desperate attempt to fulfill a promise President Obama never should have made, and the legal authority for it is sketchy. What's more, it may not be possible at this point for insurers to revive policies they've already canceled. Worst of all, Obama merely punted to next year the fight over the law's insurance reforms, which he has done a remarkably poor job of explaining and selling. The only good thing about the delay is that it might stop Congress from making a more damaging change to the law.
A gentle rebuke, yes. But scrap (rewrite or repeal) the law? Nothing doing. The real bad guys in that scenario would be in Congress. Nope. Good, bad, or ugly, keep your cotton-picking hands off the ACA, thus saith the LAT.

Stop Digging. Start Over (Chicago Tribune editorial, November 15, 2013. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

His Highness Has Spoken!

So first, the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" was passed illegally. At least that's my understanding. Aren't bills supposed to originate in the House and then move to the Senate, not the other way around? 

And it was passed without a single Republican vote, with virtually no input from Republicans (not for want of trying--they were muscled out of the entire process).

Then Obama decided unilaterally to exempt certain special interest groups (labor unions among them) from the penalties of ObamaCare. 

Now Mr. Obama is acting unilaterally again, this time offering to extend for a year those insurance policies that had been cancelled because they didn't comply with the Affordable Care Act. A whole year? Golly gee! Thanks, Mr. Obama!

What's next, your majesty?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Obama, the Great (Prevaricator)

I think it's safe to say that he's got chutzpah (which, come to think of it, means audacity). But is it also safe to say we've been snookered? 

So by now we all know he's a liar. But what we didn't know was the depth of his antipathy towards Americans. He really thinks he can stand there and say, no, what I really meant was . . . 

In case you Obama supporters still think he's some sort of a knight in shining armor, here's a montage of his promises, followed by yesterday's incredible charade

Note that the assurances ("if you like your health care plan, you can keep it") began as early as 2008 and were repeated again and again as recently as this year, even though the administration already had been warned two years ago that people would, in fact, lose their insurance policies.

It's clear he was lying. Yet instead of owning up to it, he has the nerve, the audacity, to stand in front of the cameras and say, basically, Hey you schmucks, here's what I really said:

"What we said was..." 

Oh really?

This is incredible on so many levels, not the least of which is the fact that the people who voted for him (this includes nearly everyone in my extended family) probably don't have a problem with this. 

We are schmucks*, we've been swindled but good, and if Obama fans haven't figured it out yet, eventually they will. Just today, in fact, Kathleen Sebelieus admitted to Congress that
"employer based insurance plans will also be cancelled as a result of grandfathering caveats and government requirements making plans illegal under Obamacare" (read entire article here).
So yes, it's safe to say, we've been screwed.

*Note: "schmuck" is Yiddish for "penis." I didn't know that, but in this case, I guess the metaphor works. He's the Grand Poobah of Schmucks, and he's screwed us all.