"For words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul within" (Tennyson).

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Keep Speaking, Lady

Here is an open letter from a self-described "Latina Mama" named Ana Samuel to Mayor Pete Buttigieg, the openly gay, happily married mayor from South Bend, Indiana, who is running for president.
I agree with Dr. Samuel's statement and share her concerns about how the so-called tolerant left is in fact hostile to people of faith and/or to people who hold conservative, traditional, Judeo-Christian values.
To those who wish to castigate the author as an ignorant, narrow-minded bigot, here is her bio:
Ana Samuel, PhD, is the daughter of Mexican immigrants, the wife of an Argentine immigrant, and the mother of six awesome children. She completed her undergraduate studies at Princeton University and her doctoral degree from the University of Notre Dame before becoming a founding mother and the Academic Director of CanaVox.
Here's an excerpt:
Mothers tend to emphatically care about the welfare of all children, regardless of their family’s origin or current form. We also tend to emphatically care about every LGBT person—recognizing our common humanity even when we do not agree with their lifestyle choices. When we are polite to you, we are coming from a place of deep moral principle and authenticity. It’s not a superficial cover up for our true beliefs about you. You are rights-bearing individuals (like all of us) endowed with human dignity.  
Although our home countries have often been viciously anti-gay places, there is a deep understanding among Hispanic mothers that those who identify as LGBT have suffered a lot, and that many have lived a life of hurt, harm and pain. We feel great sympathy for your suffering. But the ideas you have developed from painful experiences are not always sound ones. And we can distinguish between the two: between affectionate concern for you as a person and disagreement with your ideas. So please stop shutting us out of the conversation by the intellectually dishonest rhetorical expedient of implying or saying that we are bigots. We are the opposite of bigots. 

We are prepared to co-exist peacefully and tolerate a great deal of what you propose, but not at the expense of losing our own ability to practice and preach our own values and freedoms. We are happy to work side-by-side with you, to have you as our coaches, neighbors and friends, but don’t cross the line and tell us what sexual values to cherish and uphold. 
A Message to Mayor Pete from a Latina Mama:Don't Force Your Sexual Ideology on Me and My Children