"For words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul within" (Tennyson).

Thursday, June 13, 2024

 Once upon a time 

... the act of rescuing someone who had been kidnapped and held hostage was considered a truly noble, maybe even heroic, act of daring courage. It may even still be—unless the rescuers and those being rescued are Jewish? 

Why is that? Four Israeli hostages were rescued—Israeli military operatives literally swept in during broad daylight, knocked on doors, announced who they were, and basically said, “We’re here to rescue you." One rescuer apparently asked permission to hoist the female hostage over his shoulder. 
Like, pretty damn amazing, right? 

And yet. The response I’ve heard runs along the lines of, “Yes, glad they were rescued, but what about the innocent civilians who were killed during the operation?” 

Glad they were rescued . . . but?

Who talks like that?

Who thinks like that? 

One wants to ask, If it had been your son, your daughter, your grandchild who was rescued, would that be your response? If they say, "of course," why do I not believe them?

During the rescue, civilians happened to be in the crossfire. The loss of innocent life is a tragedy. Some lives were lost, but not all were innocent. Hostages were being held in people’s homes. Regular people, not military. People who cook dinner for themselves and carry on with their lives while somewhere in the house a hostage is being held captive. We'll learn--are already learning--what they endured during those months while regular people carried on with their lives downstairs.

So when the Israeli military plans its rescue strategy for hostages being held captive among a civilian population, it has to factor in the very real possibility that regular people may be at risk. 

I agree, this is tragic. But this is also intentional. This is a military tactic of Hamas. Today's Wall Street Journal has a front-page article explaining that this is the Hamas leader's strategy to gain world sympathy. Those who chide the Israeli military are chiding the wrong actor in this tragedy. 

This rescue could have gone so bad. Indeed, it almost did. The next time (if there is a next time) the military attempts a rescue it may not go as well. And who knows if this rescue portends an even worse fate for the remaining hostages?

But for just a few minutes, can we not at least look at the faces of those who were literally plucked from their corner of hell-on-earth and simply say a quiet word of thanks…and nothing else?


June 10, 2024
Wall Street Journal