"For words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul within" (Tennyson).

Thursday, March 14, 2013

An Interview with Holocaust Survivor Alice Herz-Sommer

This remarkable Jewish woman is 109. She lost her entire family (parents, siblings) during the Holocaust. 

She and her little boy survived the concentration camps because she was a concert pianist and the Nazis decided it would be good PR for her to perform concerts.

In addition, she was diagnosed with cancer in her eighties. 

So she is a Holocaust survivor and a cancer survivor. 

She lives alone in a flat in London. Did I mention she's 109?

She plays the piano three hours a day. People on the sidewalk below often pause to listen. 

Somehow, optimism infuses her life. She has no anger or hate. 

She doesn't understand why people complain. 

What is there to complain about, she asks?

Here's a 12-minute video clip. She has something to say that most of us will never get. But it's worth the time.


  1. wow she is a very brave women i give her credit for not being mad at the people who did that to her because normaly people would never forgive the people who did that to her.

  2. good luck alice :)
