"For words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul within" (Tennyson).

Monday, April 8, 2013

While Well-Meaning Liberals are Sleeping, the Uber-Left is Taking Over

This clip from MSNBC news host Melissa Harris-Perry is only 31 seconds, but you gotta hear it to believe it.

 Do my liberal family members even know what their side is saying? 

We have always had kind of a private notion of children: your kid is yours, and totally your responsibility. We haven't had a very collective notion that these are our children. So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that our kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
Is she really saying what I think she's saying? My kids don't belong to me, they belong to the state? What country am I living in again? 

I have a hard time believing that my left-leaning family would actually agree with the reprehensible thing this despicable woman just said. Nevertheless, as far as I know, they seldom challenge the kind of big government, it-takes-a-village, nanny state, statist ideology being promoted by people like Harris-Perry and her ilk.

This, in my view, makes all liberals, regardless of whether or not they agree with everything the left says, complicit in the direction the far-left is taking this country. 

One of the criticisms Democrats love to hurl at Republicans is that the far-right is co-opting their party. Yet I wonder if the average, garden-variety liberal recognizes how the uber-left is co-opting their party?

Wake up, liberals. Hard left members on your side, like Harris-Perry, are steering this nation dangerously off course. It's time to wake up, speak up, and tell your people to shut up. 

Unless this is the direction you actually want us to go?

Update: Since I never watch MSNBC, I was under the impression that this Harris-Perry person was "just" a news host. Would that it were so. Unfortunately this is just a part-time gig. By day she's an academic, a professor of political science at Tulane University. Bad enough that she spews her leftist bile on TV for foolish liberals to swallow undigested, but the fact that she has naive twenty-somethings at her disposal is truly scary.  

Second update: Love Rich Lowry's comments on this same video clip. A few great lines:  
As the ultimate private institution, the family is a stubborn obstacle to the great collective effort. Insofar as people invest in their own families, they are holding out on the state and unacceptably privileging their own kids over the children of others. . . The truth is that parents are one of society’s most incorrigible sources of inequality. If you have two of them who stay married and are invested in your upbringing, you have hit life’s lottery. You will reap untold benefits denied to children who aren’t so lucky. That the family is so essential to the well-being of children has to be a constant source of frustration to the egalitarian statist, a reminder of the limits of his power.

Here's his article: "Your Kids Aren't Your Own," by Rich Lowry (National Review Online)

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