"For words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul within" (Tennyson).

Friday, April 12, 2013

Obamacare: Own it, Democrats

Here's a news item: 
"Earlier this week, Health and Human Services head Kathleen Sebelius admitted that she didn't realize how complicated getting ObamaCare off the ground would be. Sebelius complained that 'no one fully anticipated' the difficulties involved in implementing ObamaCare, or how confusing it would be with the public" (article on Investors.com).
No one fully anticipated the difficulties? Really? How can she even say that with a straight face? Republicans were united in their opposition to the bill. What are they, chopped liver?

Not surprisingly, the misnamed affordable health care act is not affordable, after all. Neither is it all that Obama promised. In fact, most of the promises and assurances he made during the rush to pass this bill have now been found to be what most of us knew they were at the time: lies. 

Even that horrid woman, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, admitted that the bill was so ponderous, Congress would have have to vote it into law before they could read it. Of course, she thought she was being clever at the time. What a charmer. 

Of all the farces, that's the most ludicrous.

So now, here we are three years after the law passed, Democrats are finally realizing the enormity of their mistake, the media are finally beginning to write about it (where were they three years ago, John Nolte at Breitbart.com wonders?), Barack Obama and his Democratic party are asking for still more money from the American people to fund his out-of-control spending habit, the deficit continues to balloon, and Kathleen Sebelius wants to blame those obstructionist Republicans? 

Stop. Stop it. This is your party's mess, Ms. Sebelius: own it. Then, kindly step aside and let sensible Republicans can clean up your mess. 

"ObamaCare Turns Three: 10 Disturbing Facts Americans Have Learned" (Investors Business Daily)

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