"For words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul within" (Tennyson).

Friday, February 20, 2015

"Without the Jews of France..."

Here's an article published in The Algemeiner ("'We Haven't Shown Enough Outrage': French PM Issues Blistering Denunciation of Anti-Semitism," by Ben Cohen).

Here are excerpts from the speech (retrieved from the Anti-Defamation League website):
Ladies and gentlemen deputies, the tragic ordeals we've just been through have left their mark on us — on our country and on our conscience.
However, we must also be capable, each time, of making a swift diagnosis of the state of our society and of its urgent needs.
We'll clearly have the opportunity to hold these discussions.
I’m going to say a few words and please excuse me for taking more time than planned.
The first subject we must deal with, clearly, is the fight against anti-Semitism.
History has shown us that a reawakening of anti-Semitism is the symptom of a crisis of democracy, a crisis of the Republic.
That's why we must address it powerfully.
After Ilan Halimi in 2006, after the crimes of Toulouse, there has been an intolerable rise in acts of anti-Semitism in France.
There are words, insults, gestures, foul attacks, as in Créteil a few weeks ago, which — as I recalled in this house – have not aroused the outrage expected by our Jewish compatriots.
There's the huge worry, the palpable fear we felt on Saturday, in the crowd, outside that kosher supermarket at Porte de Vincennes, and at the Synagogue de la Victoire on Sunday evening.
How can we accept that in France — the Jews' land of emancipation two centuries ago but also, 70 years ago, one of the lands of their agony — how can we accept that shouts of “Death to the Jews!” can be heard in our streets?
How can we accept the acts I've just recalled?
How can we accept that French people can be murdered because they are Jewish?
How can we accept that a Tunisian citizen sent to France by his father to be protected can be killed while going to buy his bread for the Sabbath — because he is a Jew? It's not acceptable.
I say to the national community, whose reaction has perhaps been insufficient, and I say to our French Jewish compatriots that this time we can't accept it, that we must also rebel.
We must make the true diagnosis: there's an anti-Semitism people call historical, going back many centuries, but above all there's this new anti-Semitism born in our neighborhoods against the backdrop of the Internet, satellite dishes, abject poverty and hatred of the State of Israel, advocating hatred of the Jew and of all Jews.
We must say this! We must utter the words to combat this unacceptable anti-Semitism.
As I've had the opportunity to say, as Minister Ségolène Royal said in Jerusalem this morning, as Claude Lanzmann wrote in a magnificent article in Le Monde, yes, let's say it directly to the world: without France's Jews, France would no longer be France!
It's up to us to proclaim this message loud and clear. We haven't said it; we're not outraged enough!
How can we accept that in certain institutions, middle schools and high schools, we can't teach what the Holocaust was?
How can we accept that a kid aged seven or eight, when asked by his teacher, “Who is your enemy?” can answer “It's the Jews”?
When the Jews of France are attacked, France is attacked and the universal conscience is attacked; let's never forget that!

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